Technical service in Spain and the State of Alarm

At 4Phones we want to keep our customers informed about how the state of alarm in Spain affects their work and we have known that because the stores and technical services of technological services are considered essential, they can continue to carry out their functions, always prioritizing telephone attention and home service.

In addition, customers must be cared for while respecting the protection and hygiene measures recommended by the competent bodies: maintain a safety distance, wear face masks and gloves, apply insulating means to serve the public.

Stores can provide the sale of mobile phones, batteries, chargers or devices that do not require installation even if they have shorter opening hours or sell them online, which is also a widely used route for repairs.

Displacements for these purposes would be justified as long as it is out of necessity. The way to justify it to the authorities is by presenting the proof of repair or explaining the reason for the displacement, trying as far as possible to avoid long trips and resort to the stores that are closest to our home.
